#7: All things Corona Virus with Kate Deering

Uncategorized Apr 08, 2020

How can you protect yourself? How can a strong metabolism contribute to better immunity?

In this episode with Kate Deering author of How to heal your metabolism we dive into all things coronavirus. Kate and I discuss what you can be doing during these times of stress to not only curb your stress, but also protect your health and improve your immunity.

The truth: You have a choice HOW you react to the current situation.

In the past, when times were stressful, I used to hit the piss. The old me would have had a few drinks every night to take the edge off, and I would go and eat shit food to cope. Now, I focus on what I CAN do. I’m much more proactive - and I don’t deal with life’s stressors by downing a bottle anymore and trying to escape.

Instead, I continue to do my meal plans. I continue to train. I go out and get my sun each day. It’s about controlling your controllables. These small things you do each day can give you that certainty back when...

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#6: How can you stay healthy during coronavirus with Keith Littlewood

Uncategorized Mar 17, 2020

Before I started eating and training the way I eat and train now, I would get sick ALL the time. I’d catch every cold. I even had tonsillitis at one point.

In the last two years... I’ve been sick twice - and once was food poisoning.

In our recent podcast, I caught up with Tommo Littlewood. Tommo has been in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years. He has a masters in endocrinology. He also follows Dr Ray Peat’s work, and helps individuals solve their metabolic and hormonal issues so that they can live their best lives.

In this episode, we talk about all things you need to know to keep your body robust and healthy during these stressful and uncertain times, including what foods you need to be eating. We also answer some commonly asked client questions, such as dealing with stress and thyroid issues, and separating fact from fiction when it comes to virus prevention. With lockdowns happening worldwide, it’s about doing the best you can.


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#5: Why Blood Tests May Not be a True Reflection of your Health with Keith Littlewood

Uncategorized Dec 27, 2019

Have you ever felt like your hormones are out of whack or something just isn’t quite right? You go and get blood tests but the results come back and the doctor says everything is normal...

“I am still feeling really lethargic and my hair is falling out.”

“I still have hot sweats and can’t sleep at night.”

“I’m so incredibly moody and have irregular periods?”

SO! The question is...Are blood tests really a good indication of what is happening in the body?

In this interview with Tommo Littlewood we discuss:

Why blood tests are not always good indicators of health

What things your doctor really should consider when taking blood tests

What specific indicators you would look for if you have low thyroid function

High cholesterol and what it actually means

How your external factors contribute to your thyroid function

We also discuss the two simple and free tests you can perform yourself which can help you...

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#4: Ask Kate Deering - How to enjoy food over XMAS and still reach your body and health goals

Uncategorized Dec 18, 2019

So it’s December…

One of the biggest party months of the year with Christmas parties, gatherings, alcohol and sh*tty food.

The temptation and peer pressure to drink and eat copious amounts of food is high, you don’t want to miss out on a “good time”.

You stress about the calories so you restrict throughout the day so you can binge on alcohol and then binge on food to curb your cravings later.

Sounds like a merry-go-round of f*ckery to me! One that I used to be on also.

I remember up until 4 years ago, when this time of year came around, I would restrict my calories leading into the holidays because I knew that I was approaching a 2-week bender of binge drinking, binge eating and feeling like sh*t. My mentality back then was “So I can have fun, I need to restrict”.

Not to mention I was completely unhappy in myself so I drank to drown my sorrows away.

January 1st hit, the “New Year, New Me” set in and I thought all...

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#3: Why eating more is the key to restoring your metabolism with Kate Deering

In this episode, I chat with Kate Deering about food and how women actually need to eat more to heal and lose body fat. Do you struggle to keep your calories down to 1000-1500 calories a day?

You're running yourself into the ground (literally). You feel beaten down. Exhausted... And you're stressed out not knowing what or who to believe.

Most fitness gurus try to sell you on the next new restrictive diet...

But you just can’t do it anymore. | get it. I've been there. You feel like you're going around in circles. Thoughts about food control your life. It’s always about what you're going to eat or not eat next.

Recently... I did a photo shoot. We needed to get more professional photos for our ads and marketing. No more bathroom selfies. And | had been eating about 2500-3000 calories a day (which I’m sure sounds shocking to most). I had put on muscle… and also a bit of fat.

In the past, I would've gotten bent out of shape and done all the cardio. I...

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#2: Everything you thought you knew about hormones is a lie

I caught up with Keith (Tommo is his nickname) last week and we discussed women's hormones. Tommo has been involved in the health, fitness and wellbeing industry for over 20 years and is an avid Ray Peat fan. He has his masters in endocrinology and is passionate about delivering services that resolve pain, energy, digestion, sleep, mood and other hormone-related issues to get people functioning at their best.

In this episode, we talk about female hormones and how there is a huge misconception that when a woman experiences painful and irregular periods or menopausal symptoms that she needs more estrogen. I remember when I was younger and I went to the doctors with heavy and painful periods they just put me on the pill! We discuss the implications of low calorie, quick-fix diets on women's hormones and what you can do to educate yourself so you can balance your hormones, improve your sleep, energy, mood, digestion and sex drive as well as build a body you love! Looking better starts...

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#1: The nutritionist that got me drinking chocolate milk

Uncategorized Nov 01, 2019

In this episode, I chat with my dear friend and now business partner Emma Sgourakis - The Nutrition Coach. In 2015 I was lucky enough to come across her article "Defending fruit and other non-complex carbs" I couldn't believe was I was reading, all these lightbulbs were going off in my head! I knew for a long time what I was doing was wrong but there was so much information out there and I was confused!!!! What she was saying in this article made so much sense! I did her Popping the food bubble program and the rest is history.

In this episode, we talk about all the dumb diets we've done and how Emma shifted my view on nutrition. We talk about her work, the people she has worked with, sugar and why women are in so much trouble metabolically and hormonally.

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month I choose someone who has shared and they get a...

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