#208: The power of bathing with Bathing Evolved

Uncategorized Apr 10, 2023

I have the guys from Bathing Evolved back on the podcast! A while back, they contacted me and sent me some of their awesome bath bombs. I was looking at them and noticed that they contained tea tree oil which is an endocrine disruptor, so I let them know. They did their own research and took the tea tree oil out!

Will and David are such nice and genuine guys, so I wanted to get them back on to talk more about bathing and how it can affect our health, hormones, and metabolism. In this episode, the Bathing Evolved guys and I chat about:

Their company’s humble beginnings

Hidden toxins in beauty and hygiene products

How certain chemicals act like estrogen in the body

The history of bathing

The link between metabolism and bathing

The benefits of getting magnesium via the skin

The problem with a lot of Epsom salt brands

The best way to bath (And how to use Bathing Evolved products)

Depriving yourself and the power of doing nothing

The niacin sauna detox


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#207: Does scale weight matter with Craig McDonald

Uncategorized Apr 05, 2023

Should you be tied to the number on the scale? Is this the only way you should measure your progress? So many of the women we work with have always only focused on one data point - scale weight. Yes, you want to look at weight BUT don't forget about what that weight is made up of - muscle and fat.

So, we wanted to talk about this in more detail. In this episode, Craig and I discuss:

What is body composition?

What makes up the number on the scale

What happens when you diet hard with a drastic calorie deficit

What is required to build muscle

Why muscle makes it easier to sustain weight loss

The importance of taking your time to achieve body recomposition

Our advice for achieving the body you want

How weightlifting is a skill you have to practice

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month I choose someone who has shared and they...

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#206: From running 100kms to deadlifting 100kgs and becoming a coach with Charlotte Todd

Uncategorized Apr 03, 2023

Charlotte has had a really fascinating journey! As one of our coaches, she actually comes from an insane 100 km ultra-marathon background. Over time, this took a huge toll on her body, which led her to eventually join our program. Since then, she’s become one of our adoring coaches who we love and who helps other women achieve their goals.

In this episode, Charlotte and I chat about:

Her ultra-marathon history and working as a PT

Symptoms Charlotte had before changing her lifestyle

What Charlotte learned in the program

Not feeling exhausted all the time

Why Charlotte wanted to become a coach with us

Transformations Charlotte has seen in other women

How transformations take time and effort

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month I choose someone who has shared and they get a tub of Saturée Premium Collagen valued...

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#205: Losing 7kgs, fixing her digestive issues & feeling happy again with Melissa McGrath

Uncategorized Mar 29, 2023

Melissa is one of our awesome clients. She is 38 years old and a mum to three boys. She lives on a farm in South Australia, and six months in, Melissa has seen incredible results.

For anyone that has struggled with digestive issues or IBS, you might relate to Melissa’s story. In this episode, Melissa and I chat about:

Her diet, health, and training history

How she lost over 40 cm

Her digestion and IBS journey (and where she’s at now)

What food she’s eating while losing weight

How eating this way is working with the rest of her family

How she got her happiness back!

Melissa’s advice to other women

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month I choose someone who has shared and they get a tub of Saturée Premium Collagen valued at $79.

If you loved this episode please help us get the word out to more...

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#204: How to improve your sleep with Bryan Thomas

Uncategorized Mar 27, 2023

Bryan lives in the states, and I’ve followed him on Instagram for a while; We have similar nutritional approaches. He recently did a great post on sleep and so many women we work with struggle with sleep! Whenever I get stressed or something feels out of alignment with me, sleep is always the first thing for me to go. So, Bryan and I decided to do this podcast to help you sleep better!

In this episode, Bryan and I chat about:

Bryan’s past of doing low-carb

What changed Bryan’s mind on low-carb diets

Common issues with sleep

How the circadian rhythm works

What happens when you don’t get enough sleep

What can help improve sleep

The incredible benefits of daily walks for sleep

Sunlight and sleep

What to avoid before bed

Blue-blocking glasses

How how much you eat impacts your sleep

The bedtime snack

Sleep issues and caloric deficits

How “leaky gut” can lead to poor sleep

Foods that could irritate the gut

What can...

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#203: Focus on data not feelings with Craig McDonald

Uncategorized Mar 22, 2023

I had such an interesting conversation with a friend of mine last week about her unexplained weight gain.

She messaged saying Kit, I've gained 4kgs in the last few months and I just don't know why. Should I be doing more cardio??

I asked her if she'd been tracking her food and she said no, but I feel like I don't eat badly...

I remember when I first met Craig and he would say, “Focus on the data, not your feelings.”

Tracking really helped me get out of the emotions and actually look at the facts. This showed me where I was going wrong, which allowed me to make the correct changes so I could reach my body and health goals.

So, in this episode, Craig and I chat about:

How the data doesn’t lie

Belief vs reality

Taking extreme ownership

How data leads to a result

What data points we use with our clients

How consistency leads to results

Taking imperfect action

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a...

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#202: Are you missing the forest for the trees when it comes to your health with Dr Alex Orton

Uncategorized Mar 20, 2023

A lot of women get caught up in new fads, supplements, and technology - forgetting about the basic fundamentals. So, I wanted to sit down with Alex, who is a Naturopathic doctor and runs an online holistic practice, to talk about what a lot of people miss along their health journey. Are you missing any of these fundamentals?

In this episode, Alex and I chat about:

The basic fundamentals and why they matter

The purpose of supplements

How stress presents itself

What happens with chronic emotional stress

How the body deals with trauma

Learning lessons in life

Examples of foods Alex recommends for his clients

How it’s what you do 80% of the time

Drinking to cope with stress

Building internal awareness

Good indicators of health

Moments of pause or “doing nothing”

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month...

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#201: How to approach your training when injured with Melissa Collins

Uncategorized Mar 15, 2023

My good friend and one of our amazing coaches, Melissa Collins, is back on the podcast. She’s been on three times now. The last one was about sex, and it’s a really good one to go back and give it a listen (especially if you’re dealing with a low libido).

I wanted to get Mel on to share her journey and struggles she’s had with injuries in the hopes it will help other women too. In this episode, Mel and I chat about:

Mel’s mysterious back injury

Emotional pain and trauma

Working through jealousy and envy

Focusing on your strengths

Listening to your body

Advice Mel has for others with injuries

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month I choose someone who has shared and they get a tub of Saturée Premium Collagen valued at $79.

If you loved this episode please help us get the word out to more...

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#200: Are you making these mistakes with your training with Ben Yanes

Uncategorized Mar 13, 2023

If you like lifting and getting strong, Ben Yanes’ IG page will really resonate with you. Craig and I love the educational content Ben produces. Ben is a personal trainer and educator of exercise mechanics based in New York.

Most women that we work with say they want a toned and athletic body. But where a lot of women go wrong (I did this too back in the day) is that they do a ton of HIIT, running, and boot camps. So, I wanted to get Ben on to talk about what building muscle and “getting toned” actually involves.

In this episode, Ben and I chat about:

Ben’s training and athletic background

Why HIIT and boot camps aren't the best way to build muscle

Weight loss myths

What happens when you first start lifting

Forming better habits

Why walking is essential for fitness and weight loss

How muscle regulates insulin and glucose

Frequency and volume of training

Why doing more isn’t always better

Training to failure for building muscle...

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#199: Losing 30 lbs, improving her skin, mood and getting her energy back with Samantha A Florio

Uncategorized Mar 08, 2023

If you’ve been in the fitness industry or health world for a while, you’ll probably relate to Samantha’s story. Samantha is 37 years old. She is a stay-at-home mum with two kids (I really admire the mums!). She used to be a personal trainer and actually owned a fitness studio for 9-10 years. Because of this, she has truly tried it all, using herself as a guinea pig in many ways.

Samantha even tried pro-metabolic eating on her own, but she gained heaps of weight. This is when almost a year ago, she decided to join our program. In this episode, Samantha and I chat about:

Samantha’s dieting history

Samantha’s reasons for getting a coach

Keratosis and how Samantha fixed it

The results Samantha had with coaching

Her weight loss success

What Samantha is eating now vs when she was dieting

Samantha’s training regime

How she’s fit this in with family life

Samantha’s advice for other women


Happy listening I hope you...

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