#87: How to grow muscle as a female Part 2 with Craig McDonald

Uncategorized Feb 03, 2022

When it comes to weight loss and fat loss a lot of women (I was one of them) think they need to do a tonne of cardio, bootamps, HIIT and classes.

Can't tell you how many RPM and pump classes I did in the pursuit of a toned and athletic body

It wasn't until I met @iamcraigmcdonald that I learnt in order to change my body I needed to strength train and build muscle!

So I thought I'd get him on to talk about: How to grow muscle as a female.

Craig is an ISSN Sports Certified Nutritionist and Recomp certified coach, so he knows a lot about building muscle and body recomposition.

So if fat loss, weight loss or muscle gain is your goal then you don't want to miss this episode which is part 2.

If you haven't listened to part 1 yet I highly recommend you do.

In part one we covered:

What are the health benefits of having more muscle?

If my goal is fat loss or weight loss why is building muscle important

Why is progressive overload important when it comes to growing muscle...

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#86: The estrogen industry, the magic of progesterone and the importance of thyroid with Dr Ray Peat & Kate Deering

Uncategorized Jan 31, 2022

We've had Dr Ray Peat on the podcast twice before and his episode with Emma Sgourakis - The Nutrition Coach is the most downloaded podcast episode of all time!

So Kate and I decided to get him back on to do a deep dive into hormones.

This is a 2-hour episode, so you’ll definitely want to grab a snack and maybe a pen and paper because you’re going to learn heaps. In this episode, we talk about:

The dangers of estrogen therapy

How the medical industry got is all wrong--and continues to get it wrong

Why even small amounts of added estrogen can be disruptive

The purpose of estrogen in women AND men

Where estrogen is produced in both men and women--it is produced in far more places than you have been told

Estrogen's effects on a woman's cycle

Estrogen's link to miscarriages

Why the progesterone to estrogen balance is so important

The effects of progesterone ON estrogen

Are menopausal women really LOW in estrogen?

Understanding the...

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#85: How to grow muscle as a female Part 1 with Craig McDonald

Uncategorized Jan 29, 2022

When it comes to weight loss and fat loss a lot of women (I was one of them) think they need to do a tonne of cardio, bootamps, HIIT and classes.

Can't tell you how many RPM and pump classes I did in the pursuit of a toned and athletic body

It wasn't until I met Craig that I learnt in order to change my body I needed to strength train and build muscle!

So I thought I'd get him on to talk about: How to grow muscle as a female.

Craig is an ISSN Sports Certified Nutritionist and Recomp certified coach, so he knows a lot about building muscle and body recomposition.

So if fat loss, weight loss or muscle gain is your goal then you don't want to miss this episode.

In part one of this episode we cover:

What are the health benefits of having more muscle?

If my goal is fat loss or weight loss why is building muscle important

Why is progressive overload important when it comes to growing muscle

Why is training effort/intensity important when it comes to growing muscle


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#84: Losing 26kgs through pro-metabolic eating with Elzette Smit

Uncategorized Jan 28, 2022

I am so proud of Elzette. She’s had a really bumpy road and has been through a lot. It’s really incredible where she is today. It truly shows her persistence and how failing forward pays off.

After years of yo-yo dieting, Elzette originally joined our program back in 2018. Yet, she faced a rough patch in her marriage and had to take a step back. She eventually rejoined, but then struggled with a back injury. With 3 kids at home (who she homeschools), her story is super inspiring. Elzette has overcome a lot and she looks and feels amazing. She’s even lost 4 dress sizes throughout this process.

But I want you to hear for yourself what she has to say about overcoming obstacles and getting to a happier place in her marriage and life. In this episode, we chat about:

Her history with dieting and exercise

The improvements Elzette has seen since starting pro-metabolic eating

How Elzette persisted and overcame her back injury and still lost weight


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#83: Manufactured multivitamins vs real food with Emma Sgourakis

Uncategorized Jan 24, 2022

Do you take a multi?

I used to take one every day.

That was until I found pro-metabolic eating and realised that a multivitamin wasn't doing anything food couldn't do AND some of the synthetic nutrients I was consuming may have been causing me more harm than good.

I feel like they are core to mainstream nutrition and are pushed hard as an insurance policy to get extra nutrients into a shitty diet.

When you eat real food you're not consuming single nutrients but rather a range of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and cofactors that work synergistically to allow for optimal use by the body.

In this episode I catch up with Nutritionist Emma Sgourakis to talk about why getting nutrients from whole food is a much better option than taking a daily multivitamin.

We cover:

Two true superfoods that we like to call "nature's multivitamins" ways you can prepare them and other options if you just can't get them or don't like the taste

Some of the dangers in taking synthetic...

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#82: The ups and downs of healing with Kori and Fallon

Uncategorized Jan 21, 2022

One of the things I love about Kori and Fallon is how authentic and open they both are. I had them on the podcast last year and got such great feedback I thought I'd get them on again.

Kori had a baby recently named Story, and Fallon has been busy working on her recipe book which has now been released and is called the Batch Cookbook. I have it and can confirm the recipes are amazing, highly recommend purchasing.

I think a lot of coaches feel they can't share certain challenges or failures they experience on their journey because they feel like the should have it all together AND I think a lot of women put so much pressure on themselves to be perfect or to have achieved certain goals in certain time frames that they lose sight of the bigger picture.

In this episode Kori and Fallon open up about the struggles and challenges they've had on their healing journeys and how it hasn't been linear.

We discuss:

How healing isn’t just about food but your lifestyle as well


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#81: 5 tips for sustainable & healthy weight-loss in 2022 with Craig McDonald

Uncategorized Jan 18, 2022

This year we will be releasing two podcasts each week. One where I interview a guest on a specific topic and another short podcast with Craig where we give you practical tips you can implement each week.

So if you're a woman who's struggled with yo-yo dieting or you've implemented pro-metabolic eating and you're struggling with weight gain you'll love this episode.

We discuss our 5 top tips for restoring your metabolism and losing weight in a healthy and sustainable way.

The clients that are successful in our programs do all of these things.

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month I choose someone who has shared and they get a tub of Saturée Premium Collagen valued at $79.

If you loved this episode please help us get the word out to more women and leave a written review and a 5-star rating. Leave a review and rating on...

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#80: EFT tapping with Greta Zukoff

Uncategorized Jan 10, 2022

A lot of women come into our program and get results, then there are other women that really struggle. Even though they have the knowledge and support they still struggle to be consistent. They self-sabotage and have a hard time overcoming their own internal stories and dialogue.

If you listened to the podcast I did updating everyone on my TTC journey I talked about how EFT really helped me with my anxiety and the feelings that were coming up for me. Greta is an EFT tapping practitioner and a client in one of our programs. One day she messaged me and said "Kitty now you can tell me to fuck off but I really think EFT tapping could help you".

I think a lot of women 'stuff' feelings or have trauma in their past that they haven't worked through or processed which can affect their ability to be consistent and make lasting change.

It really helped me so I thought I'd get Greta on the podcast to talk more about EFT In this episode, we discuss:

What is EFT tapping?

How EFT...

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#79: The scary truth about hormonal contraception with Amanda Montalvo

Uncategorized Jan 04, 2022

I get so many questions from women doing our program and challenges about taking hormonal birth control, including the pill, IUD, depo shot, and more.

I actually took the pill for many years. I didn’t understand why it was so important to ovulate and have a period. The doctor never warned me, and I didn’t do any research on it back then. I just thought it was convenient to not have a period, and at the time, I didn’t want to fall pregnant.

So I thought I'd get Amanda on the podcast to talk about how birth control interferes with your hormones and why having a healthy ovulatory cycle is so important for all women even if you don't want to fall pregnant.

In this episode, we discuss:

How the menstrual cycle works

Why ovulation (and progesterone) is so important

How birth control suppresses ovulation

How the menstrual cycle offers insights into your overall health

What happens when you stop taking the pill

How a woman becomes estrogen dominant


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#78: From Paleo & 1200 calories to pro-metabolic eating with Trish Del Girolamo

Uncategorized Dec 19, 2021

Are you a woman who's used to living off low calorie and low carb diets to control your weight?

Have you thought about dipping your toes in pro-metabolic eating but feel scared to increase your calories and start eating carbs and dairy again?

Are you sick of punishing yourself with grueling cardio and training sessions 6-7 days per week to maintain your weight?

If this is you then I’m sure you can relate to Trish's story.

Trish is 52, married with one daughter and lives in Melbourne. She’s done almost everything from 500-calorie and 1200-calorie diets and Jenny Craig to avoiding carbs altogether and going full Paleo for two years in an effort to improve her health.

When she first started pro-metabolic eating she struggled to introduce carbs and dairy and was terrified of gaining weight if she increased her calories.

In this podcast she shares her journey including how she successfully introduced carbs and dairy back into her diet, how she trains, the cardio...

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