#107 - How many meals per day should I be eating? with Craig McDonald

Uncategorized Apr 12, 2022

This podcast is another quick one where I’m joined by my cofounder of Nustrength, Craig. It’s a super short episode so you can absorb this information really quickly. Basically, we get asked the question - How many meals should I be eating per day? - all the time! So, we wanted to take this opportunity to answer this one.

In this episode, Craig and I discuss:

Why context matters

What we think is the ideal meal frequency - it's going to be different for everyone

How your schedule plays into it

How your blood sugar control plays a role

Balancing macros

Why being consistent matters the most

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month I choose someone who has shared and they get a tub of Saturée Premium Collagen valued at $79.

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#106 - The truth about Sugar and Diabetes with Isaac Pohlman

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2022

I’ve been dying to get Issac on the podcast! I highly recommend following him, he's a wealth on information and he is a type 1 diabetic.

Many women I speak to think that sugar causes diabetes and insulin resistance. So I thought it would be a great opportunity to get Isaac on to break down some of the misconceptions around sugar, diabetes and insulin resistance.

We cover:

His story and background

How Isaac found pro-metabolic eating

The difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes

How stress contributes to poor health, diabetes and insulin resistance

Why people think sugar causes diabetes

How polyunsaturated fats interfere with carb/sugar metabolism

Isaac's process with his diabetic clients

What foods Isaac recommends to diabetics

Why potassium is important

The importance of balancing your meals

Salt and its benefits

How often Isaac takes insulin and what improvements he’s seen eating pro-metabolically

Happy listening I hope you find this...

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#105 - Coming off Keto, fixing her cycle issues and changing her body composition with a Pro-metabolic approach with Renee Mcdonald

Uncategorized Apr 06, 2022

I love Renee. She is so awesome. Renee is actually 35 years old with 5 kids AND she works as a midwife. It’s really incredible how she’s managed everything. She started with our challenge, then entered the WinAtLife program.

Renee was one of those women who came and really applied herself. She had already been going to the gym 5 years prior to starting with us, but she had gone through all the diets, from low carb to keto and more. Renee says she would get great results and lose body fat but it was never sustainable and she would then have to do yet another challenge or diet. She also suffered from cycle issues and PMS and her doctor was trying to get her to take anti-depressants. She wanted to find a sustainable approach where she could change her body composition and fix her cycle issues.

Today, she’s been in our program for 12 months. In this episode, Renee and I chat about:

Her chronic fatigue issues

Symptoms she experienced on other diets and her keto...

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#104 - Q & A with Danny Roddy

Uncategorized Apr 01, 2022

Danny Roddy and I jumped on the podcast to do a question-and-answer episode. I got heaps of questions for him from Instagram so we thought it only made sense to tackle them all in one go!

Danny has been living in Mexico off-grid. He provides a bit of an update on what he’s been up to during the first few minutes of this episode. Danny and I also chat about:

Sugar and can it affect sleep

Blood glucose and PCOS

How to optimize testosterone

Oat bran and why he has been having it daily

What Danny typically eats in a day

How to treat SIBO

Sleep tips

Amenorrhea and thyroid health

The conflicting info about Vitamin D supplementation and his thoughts

And more!

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month I choose someone who has shared and they get a tub of Saturée Premium Collagen valued at $79.

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#103 - How many days per week should I be training? with Craig McDonald

Uncategorized Mar 31, 2022

I have my co-founder and partner, Craig McDonald, back on the podcast. I get heaps of questions around what the optimal amount of days to train is, so we thought we’d quickly jump on and do a short podcast about it.

In this episode, Craig and I discuss:

How there isn’t an “ideal” number of days for everyone

Why this number depends on what you can actually commit to and be consistent with

Recovery and frequency of training

Why volume plays a part

Focusing on doing what you can

Why it’s about consistency, not perfection

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month I choose someone who has shared and they get a tub of Saturée Premium Collagen valued at $79.

If you loved this episode please help us get the word out to more women and leave a written review and a 5-star rating. Leave a review...

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#102 - The power of Breath Work with Jessica Patching Bunch

Uncategorized Mar 29, 2022

My friend, Libby Wescombe introduced me to breathwork, and I loved it. If you don't follow Libby, follow her she's super knowledgeable  So, through this, I ended up connecting with Jess and we did a session together. Jess is a stress resilience coach (she has a few programs you can try if you’re interested!) and one of her specialties is breathwork.

As many of you likely already know, I was feeling so anxious over the last year when I was trying to fall pregnant. I’m in a much better place now but I found this such a relaxing practice. I do it right before I go to sleep, and it just calms my maniac brain right down  And now it’s just part of my routine!

In this episode, Jess and I chat about:

What breathwork is exactly

How it works

How it helps manage stress and anxiety

Mouth breathing vs nose breathing

How much time you need for it

The best times to use this technique

How to do it

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful...

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#101 - How to progress your weights with Craig McDonald

Uncategorized Mar 28, 2022

I have Craig, my partner at NuStrength and life partner, back on the podcast! We are following up from the last short snippet.

Last week, we talked about the ideal range to build muscle. If you haven’t listened to it, I’d go back and give that one a listen first. This week, we quickly discuss different ways you can progress your weights and the system Craig uses in our program.

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month I choose someone who has shared and they get a tub of Saturée Premium Collagen valued at $79.

If you loved this episode please help us get the word out to more women and leave a written review and a 5-star rating. Leave a review and rating on iTunes HERE.

You can review on Spotify HERE.


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#100: Beating menopausal symptoms and building a toned and athletic body at 54 with Lynne Saunders

Uncategorized Mar 27, 2022

Hit menopause and suffering from night sweats, mood swings and hot flashes? Just can't stand the thought of another low carb, low calorie diet to lose weight?

At 53 Lynn had spent 30 years cycling through quick fix diets. She could lose body fat if she restricted but it was never sustainable and she always put the weight back on + she suffered from menopausal symptoms.

In this episode, Lynn and I chat about:

Her history with dieting and what she’s tried in the past

Her menopausal issues prior to the program

The disappearance of her hot flashes, fibroids, and more!

How she lost 65 cms across all of her body measurements

The type of foods she’s eating now and how many calories she's eating per day

What she loves about the program

The challenges she faced

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month I choose someone who...

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#99: What is the best rep range to build muscle with Craig McDonald

Uncategorized Mar 24, 2022

In this episode, I’m joined by my co-host and co-founder of NuStrength, Craig.

In this short and sweet episode Craig answers the question: What is the best rep range for building muscle?

Specifically Craig talks about:

The ideal rep range to build muscle - the answer might surprise you

What rep ranges Craig usually programs for our clients

What mechanical tension is and why you need it to build muscle

Why training close to muscular failure is important for building muscle

How many sets per body part per week should you be doing to grow muscle

Examples of training programs with this in mind

And more!

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month I choose someone who has shared and they get a tub of Saturée Premium Collagen valued at $79.

If you loved this episode please help us get the word out to more women...

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#98: Defending sugar with Kate Deering

Uncategorized Mar 21, 2022

Kate Deering is the author of How to Heal Your Metabolism (if you haven’t already, definitely give it a read!). We recommend this book to all of our clients.

One of the big key topics in Kate’s book is sugar.

Sugar comes with so many misconceptions. Some people think sugar is poison, that it causes cancer, creates inflammation, and more. And I used to think the same thing; I wouldn’t even eat fruit because I was so brainwashed into thinking sugar was bad for me, but I didn’t understand why.

So, in this episode, Kate and I get to the bottom of it all. We chat about:

The most common misconceptions about sugar

What sugar is

When it becomes a problem

Nutrient-dense forms of sugar

The sugar and cancer belief

The truth about fructose

Why context matters

Diabetes, sugar, and stress

Why removing nutrient dense sugars comes with a cost

Does sugar deplete the body of nutrients?

How to re-introduce sugar into your diet

And more!


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