Meet the team

The Founders:

Kitty and Craig

We’re Kitty and Craig - the co-founders of NuStrength.

 In 2015 we stumbled across each other and the work of Dr. Ray Peat and Emma Sgourakis - The Nutrition Coach. Craig is a PT and has always had a love and passion for strength training. At that time, Kitty had spent over half her life bouncing from one quick fix diet to the next. She was exhausted, her hormones were a mess, she had digestive issues, her metabolism was wrecked and she had a terrible relationship with food.

Together, we took what we learnt about nutrition from Emma and Ray, and
combined it with Craigs strength training knowledge to develop our signature method. This
method finally freed Kitty from years of restrictive diets and excessive cardio whilst transforming
her body and health. Since then, we’ve helped 1000’s of others achieve the body and health
they’ve always wanted using the same approach.

Team Members

Kathleen Knauf
Kathleen Knauf
Performance Coach

I am dedicated to empowering women with my background in athletic training and a master's degree specialising in the unique need's of women's health and performance. My passion lies in helping women fuel their bodies adequately to break free from any limiting beliefs that may hold them back.

My journey stems from my own experiences of being undernourished and over-trained. I understand the importance of finding balance in life while still having the capacity and ability to strive towards one's goals. I believe that there is never a wrong time to pursue your dreams and that it is never too late to start. I encourage my clients to prioritise their own needs and aspirations, and assist them with skills and tactics to do this along the way.

Through a holistic approach, I am dedicated to helping women find balance, nourish their bodies, and achieve their goals - no matter how big or small they may feel. With my expertise and personal experience, I am compassionate and a effective guide for women on their journey to health and performance.

Melissa Collins
Melissa Collins
Performance Coach

I started my Winatlife
journey 5 years ago with
the goal of healing my
body from over 20 years of
drug and alcohol abuse.
This program taught me
how to eat to heal my
metabolism and love my
body again. It also taught
me to believe in myself
and I finally realised
I am capable of living
a happy and healthy life,
something every
woman deserves.

Nyssa Bovenkamp
Nyssa Bovenkamp
Performance Coach

I have worked in health & wellness for over 20 years, and I am extremely passionate about helping other women find their self prioritisation along with building a body they love. I studied my Diploma of Health Science in Nutritional Medicine & have dedicated my spare time to learning about iron metabolism & how to help women with the health issues that come about from iron dysregulation (iron deficiency). Along with all things Pro metabolic & healing the digestive tract. I am also a Mum of 2 & enjoy navigating life as a working Mum & the busyness of having children along with looking after my own health & wellbeing as well as my clients. After being round the ring many times within my own health, you’ll find me to be quite multifaceted in my approach to coaching the women I am blessed with coaching.

Charlotte Todd
Charlotte Todd
Performance Coach

I'm married with two children and based in the UK, where I benefit from being able to work with clients in all time zones across the world. I've been a coach for nearly a decade and enjoy working with women of all ages and from all diets and exercise backgrounds. I love supporting women with their body recomposition goals and helping them to realise their true potential and achieve their ideal physique.

Lexy Nairn
Lexy Nairn
Tech Coach

I am a geek, a nerd, a gamer, a jock, a brainiac, a musician, a bookworm, a dissectologist, a storyteller, an Aunty, a Furmum and a sassy unicorn. I have an analytical and logical brain so I love numbers and figuring out how things work and improving them, whether it's a machine or a mathematical formula, and I love a challenge. I joined Winatlife more then 2 years ago with the goals to feel more confident in my skin and improve my sleep after more then a decade of working nights but what I also found was a family who are always there to support and care for me and I will never regret the day Kitty popped up on my Facebook and I jumped into this life.

Sarah Durdin
Sarah Durdin
Customer Success

Before my pregnancy I always considered myself a fit and healthy person. I did try several different eating plans and exercise regimes to aid me in this along the way, however I always found them a quick fix and unsustainable. After becoming a single mum and taking onboard life’s stresses, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. My Auntie having already been on the program, suggested that I try Winatlife and thus I began my journey in 2020. This program gave me the education I needed to form a good life-long foundation to building better habits around nutrition and training. On nutrition alone, it helped me overcome my Hashimoto symptoms of fatigue and weight gain and allowed me to cope with stress in life a whole lot better. 
Now as a proud member of this team, it brings me great joy to work for this amazing Company and assist the team in helping women to achieve their health/body goals in a healthy, holistic and sustainable way.

Margie Arbon
Margie Arbon
Coaching Support

I’m a proud Mum of 3 and Nanna to 5
I started my Winatlife Journey back in 2018, when I was at my all time low. I was diagnosed with an auto immune disease, I had a lot of stress through work and life and my health was heading ‘south’ for the first time in my life! 
I have since learned to nourish and be kind to my body. I have learned to lift and get strong, which filters into my day-to-day life. I love feeling happy, energised and ready to tackle every day head on!!
 The best part is I wake up every day and get to work an awesome team and so many amazing clients, helping them to change their lives for the better!

Rio Almanzor
Rio Almanzor
Coaching Support

My name is Rio. I'm a "full-time-working-single-mum" based in the Philippines. I've been in the company as a remote Administrative Assistant since 2018 when the WAL community was just about, I think, 200+ members. I am proud that I have been here this long and have seen almost every milestones of the company. It's been a pleasure working with such an awesome company and gorgeous coaches whom I've never once felt I'm different despite the cultural differences and of course the distance.

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