#196: Understanding energy balance when it comes to weight loss/weight gain with Kate Deering

Uncategorized Feb 27, 2023

Kate has probably been on the podcast most out of any other of our guests. She is the author of How To Heal Your Metabolism; It’s a great book. If you haven’t read it, I definitely recommend it.

We notice a lot of women that come into this space come from restrictive diet backgrounds and then start including carbs and dairy into their diet without actually tracking their calorie intake....and what happens? Unwanted weight gain.

So we thought we would talk more about understanding energy balance when it comes to weight gain and weight loss.

In this episode, Kate and I chat about:

The importance of knowing your starting point

Getting honest with yourself and tracking your food

How you get stuck in the restrict-binge cycle

How to calculate your TDE

Why muscle mass matters for energy balance & weight loss

Losing water and glycogen when you cut carbs and how this leads to quick 'weight loss'

Accounting for your system and individual differences


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#195: How to structure your training with Craig McDonald

Uncategorized Feb 22, 2023

We get so many questions about strength training so I thought I'd do a podcast dedicated to how to structure your training and answer all your questions.

In this episode, Craig and I chat about:

How many days per week should you be training

What to do if you’re new to strength training

The problem with training using only dumbbells, bands, body weight etc

Muscle mass and your resting metabolic rate

Focusing on what you can do

Recognizing the time you have and what you can commit to training

Different types of movement patterns and the ones you should be including in your training program

Frequency of each movement pattern

Sets and reps (and how many you should do)

Mechanical tension and what it is

Should you train to failure?

Your technique and form (and why it matters)

How life and stress can impact training

What happens when I reach my desired body, do I have to continue to make strength gains to maintain it?

The benefits of following a...

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#194: The truth about salt with Stan Efferding

Uncategorized Feb 20, 2023

Stan Efferding, the world’s strongest bodybuilder and the creator of The Vertical Diet, is back on the podcast! He is so knowledgeable, and this isn’t one you’ll want to miss.

We find so many women, when they start taking packaged foods out of their diet and eating more whole foods, usually end up undereating salt. Sometimes, we actually get them to track their salt intake, and then it often ends up being too low. This is because the only salt they get is what they add to their food (meaning they usually need to add more!).

So, in this episode, Stan and I chat about the importance of salt. We cover:

Getting enough electrolytes

The problem with salt/sodium restriction

Symptoms of a low salt intake

The benefits of salt

How to add salt to your diet

How much salt you need

How training impacts your sodium levels and intake

The water-salt relationship

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the...

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#193: What should my macros be with Craig McDonald

Uncategorized Feb 15, 2023

I always thought I had to go to extremes to lose weight, then I’d have these epic binges. When I met Emma and Craig and learned about calories and macros, energy balance, strength training and that carbs, sugar and dairy were not evil foods that would make me fat or give me cancer I realised I didn’t need to be doing all these crazy diets to get the body and health I wanted.

There are also heaps of misconceptions about macros and calories. When many women see these words they immediately start thinking restriction or they become overwhelmed. The truth is you don’t need to eat 1200 calories to get the body you want, and once you learn about energy balance, calories, macros and how to meal plan reaching your body and health goals becomes so much easier and more enjoyable.

In this episode, Craig and I chat about:

What are calories?

Total caloric intake and how it impacts your weight

What are macros?

How your protein intake may vary depending on your goals...

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#192: Do you struggle to take ownership and follow through on commitments to yourself? with Theresa Piela

Uncategorized Feb 13, 2023

Theresa is an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioner. We love Theresa. She actually helped Craig and me through our TTC journey, and we are eternally grateful. If you’re not sure what EFT is, go back and listen to previous podcasts we’ve done with Theresa.

Often, I see women having trouble following through on the commitments they make to themselves, or they blame everything and everyone around them for reasons why they can’t. So, I wanted to get Theresa back on here to talk about strategies to help you follow through and actually achieve your body and health goals.

In this episode, Theresa and I chat about:

Why it might seem easier to play the victim (but isn’t)

Choosing your hard

Addressing the emotional side before the physical

Looking at how you want to feel during your week

Taking ownership

Questions you can ask yourself

Trusting your own path (and being confident with it)

How you can have it all but not everything at once


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#191: Losing 7kgs, improving her sleep, body composition and finally getting results with Joan Barendson

Uncategorized Feb 08, 2023

Our lovely kiwi client, Joan, is on this podcast episode. She lives in New Zealand (I love her accent!). She has two kids, is 38 and works in a high level, high stress role. job.

Joan really thought she would never see changes. She actually joined our program twice, but this second round is when she really committed and saw amazing results. Joan used to feel as though no matter what she did, she would always feel and look the same. But she’s proved herself wrong!

This time, she’s been in the program for six months. She’s lost about 7 kilograms (and sustained it!). It’s been truly incredible to watch Joan progress and improve her life. In this episode, we chat about:

Why Joan rejoined our program for a second time

What kept Joan from getting results the first time

The incredible results Joan has achieved so far

How eating and training this way has offered Joan a foundation for life

Dealing with stress better

Eating more carbs

How Joan’s...

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#190: Carbs: Why we think they're essential for sustainable fat loss & good health with Keith Littewood

Uncategorized Feb 06, 2023

We have Tommo back on the podcast. He’s been on heaps of times. We’ve done a bunch of episodes on hormones, blood testing, foods and digestibility, menopause, and more! If you haven’t heard those ones, go back and give them a listen. This time Tommo and I are chatting about keto and why it’s not a great strategy for long-term health.

90% of women we help in our programs have tried keto and found it didn’t work for them. Many of these women end up with health issues when they try to sustain the keto diet long-term, or they end up binging and gaining weight. And there are tonnes of good reasons for this!

In this episode, Tommo and I discuss:

Why carbs are essential for the body

What happens when you undereat carbs

The impact of carbs on thyroid function

Why the basics matter

Insulin resistance and diabetes

The flaw of the insulin-glucose model

Why sugar isn’t poison (and what is!)

How sugar acts in the body

Why sugar cravings...

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#189: Improving her body composition, mood, energy and fixing her digestive issues with Hollee Meador

Uncategorized Feb 01, 2023

Hollee is one of our gorgeous clients. She lives in Texas, is married, and has three young boys. At 35 years old, Holly realized after her last pregnancy that it was time to finally tackle her diet and exercise issues. Living in a pretty hectic household, Holly has achieved incredible results in just 6 months. She’s lost 14 inches all over, lost body fat, and gained muscle.

In this episode, Holly and I chat about:

Holly’s history of unhealthy food habits

Binge eating

The fear of gaining weight

How Holly lost 14 inches, gained 9lbs muscle, and has sustained it

Running off of stress hormones

Holly’s mental improvements

How it’s impacted Holly’s family life

Her meal plans and food budget

Advice Holly has for other women

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month I choose someone who has shared and...

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#188 - Heavy metals, minerals and the metabolism with Margaret Barry

Uncategorized Jan 30, 2023

Margaret Barry was requested by our audience to be on the podcast to talk about heavy metals! Margaret has such good energy, and it was so much fun chatting with her.

There are so many myths in the health and fitness industry, and heavy metals are one of those topics that tend to get talked about a lot but with very little truth to it.

In this episode, Margaret and I chat about:

What are heavy metals?

How heavy metals get into the body

Genetics and heavy metals

Mercury in seafood

Other heavy metals and where they are found

Common heavy metals in children

Heavy metal poisoning vs poor metabolic function

Symptoms of heavy metal poisoning

What helps with heavy metal symptoms

Water and heavy metals

What you shouldn’t do to eliminate heavy metals

Water filters and what type you should get

Minerals that are important for detoxifying heavy metals

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode...

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#187 - You can't improve what you don't measure with Craig McDonald

Uncategorized Jan 25, 2023

In our programs, we notice some women will push back on measuring data points, such as weight, digestion, mood, food, sleep, energy, temperature, and pulse. At the end of the day, these data points help guide changes that you need to make in your life to get you to where you want to be. So, Craig and I wanted to hop on and do an episode about why this is so important.

In this episode, Craig and I talk about:

Asking yourself: What do you want the most? How do I want to feel?

How the way you are is a reflection of what you do

Common roadblocks women hit in our programs

Meal/food strategies you can use for success

What the data shows you

What to do when you eat out

Why action first might just motivate you to change

How it will initially feel hard


Learn more about our 16-week Winatlife Accelerator Program: Book your call


Kitty Blomfield @kittyblomfield

Craig McDonald ...

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