#27: Understanding your menstrual cycle & natural contraception with Jessie Brebner

Uncategorized Nov 24, 2020

I get this question all the time: ‘How do avoid pregnancy if I'm not on hormonal birth control?’ I often joke and say just do anal it's the only safe way.....KIDDING!!!

We encourage women to avoid hormonal birth control, such as the pill as it shuts down ovulation and thins the uterine wall. This isn't great news for your metabolism because you're not ovulating and when you're not ovulating you're not making progesterone. Progesterone is amazing! Its pro-thyroid, it balances estrogen and it helps you sleep.

So when women come off their hormonal contraception I always get asked what other birth control options are out there.

Many women don’t fully understand the menstrual cycle and its importance in the female body (I didn’t for a long time either). But knowing how your cycle works and tracking it can help you determine how your metabolic function and health is doing.

The menstrual cycle is like your monthly report card and because it's not essential...

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#26: Loving your body at every size with Jane Davidson

Uncategorized Nov 18, 2020

Jane Davidson is such an inspiration! She's been in our Winatlife program for almost 2 years and her rheumatoid arthritis is now in remission. But she’s also struggled with her body image her entire life.

I know so many women in our audience struggle with similar issues, so I decided to sit down with Jane and talk about how she’s come to accept her body and love herself. We chat about:

Her personal journey involving yo-yo dieting for 35+ years

How she learned to love herself and her body even when she weighed in at her heaviest

How her relationships have impacted her body acceptance

Why body image and acceptance comes from within

And much more!

If you’re struggling with your body image, give this a listen! You aren’t alone and it is possible to love yourself at every size.

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield....

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#25: Why strength training is so beneficial for women with Thomas Lilley

Uncategorized Nov 11, 2020

I actually trained with Thomas twice a week for 12 months, and I enjoyed it so much! He’s such an expert when it comes to powerlifting. We also sold our NuStrength gym to Thomas and we were so happy it found a good home!!

One of the things I love about Thomas is he is so passionate about his craft and he has a methodology that just works. I saw so many improvements with my squat and deadlift technique while working with him.

In this podcast episode, we sat down and had a little chat about:

Sustainable transformation and why getting stronger is part of that

Why technique is so important

Misconceptions about lifting weights (including the idea that it will make you ‘bulky’)

Why it’s not easy to get ‘big’ or to ‘bulk’ up

Why eating enough is so important for building muscle

The greatness of the squat

And more!

Lifting is such an empowering feeling! I bloody love it. If you’re new to weightlifting or want to hear...

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#24: The scary truth about polyunsaturated fats (PUFA's) with Matt Blackburn

Uncategorized Nov 08, 2020

If you’re new here or to the pro-metabolic lifestyle, you're going to love this recent chat I had with Matt Blackburn on the dangers of polyunsaturated fats. It can help clear a few things up and help you understand why we tend to avoid and limit PUFAs (including what foods they’re found in!).

It’s surprising how much the fitness and health industry demonizes sugar but very rarely mentions how bad PUFAs are and how many problems they can cause in the body.

In this episode, Matt Balckburn and I talk about:

What PUFAs are

Different types of fats

How these fats act in the body

What PUFA foods to avoid

And much more!

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month I choose someone who has shared and they get a tub of Saturée Premium Collagen valued at $79.

If you loved this episode please help us get the...

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#23: What really causes PCOS & Endometriosis & how you can improve them by eating sugar, carbs, and dairy by Keith Littlewood

Uncategorized Oct 28, 2020

What really causes PCOS & Endometriosis & how you can improve them by eating sugar, carbs, and dairy with Tommo Littlewood.

With PCOS and endometriosis, many women are met with ‘go on the pill’ as a one-stop solution to their problems.

In this podcast episode, Tommo challenges conventional recommendations.

Do you really need to go on the pill? What is really going on?

He reveals:

How the recommended ways to fix these problems often worsen your condition

Why and how the thyroid plays a key role in PCOS & endometriosis

The misconceptions about the causes of endometriosis and PCOS

How your diet (what you’re eating) and undereating contributes to these issues

How you can improve these conditions using non-conventional nutrition and lifestyle changes - yep eating sugar, carbs and dairy

And more!

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram...

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#22: Finding your self-worth with Hedley Derenzie

Uncategorized Oct 19, 2020

In our program, WinAtLife, we are all about training and nutrition. But I think there is so much more to it.

Many women come into this program - their journey - (me too) with insecurities, fears, and feelings about yourself.

And I think when you finally start training and eating right, you become brave enough to face those things and tackle them head-on.

Low self-worth is something I had for so long. I’d seek attention from men and I’d drink. It manifests differently for different people, and in this podcast, Hedley and I dig into it and how we’ve both struggled with it. We chat about:

How self-worth doesn’t come from the outside world but it has to come from you.

How self-worth may start with feeling good and healthy.

How we often project our insecurities onto other people and the world.

How we’ve both navigated through low self-worth and relationships.

Hedley’s books and experiences involving self-worth.

And so much more!


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#21: How Joanne beat her thyroid issues, fixed her hormonal issues & is down 5kgs all while giving up the grog!

Uncategorized Oct 08, 2020

Are you wondering whether you should or shouldn’t give up alcohol during this process? If this sounds like you or you’re curious about giving up alcohol, you need to listen to this one!

Joanne went through a very similar and very relatable journey involving alcohol. She’s coming up on two years in our program, but it took her about 11 months to really get her shit together.

In this podcast episode, we talk all about her journey and challenges. For most women, it’s not the easiest of processes (changing your habits and trying something new is NEVER easy or comfortable), but once you come out on the other side, it’s so bloody worth it.

Joanne and I chat about:

Her history with booze

Her history involving thyroid issues

Why she really couldn’t give up booze at fist

Why she eventually decided to try not drinking

What she noticed when she eliminated alcohol from the equation

The advice she would give to others in similar...

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#20: Iron Overload and Anemia with Loren De La Cruz

Uncategorized Oct 02, 2020

If you’ve ever been tested for iron through blood tests, it’s time to LISTEN UP!

And if you don’t follow Loren, you need to! She produces amazing content on IG, and I am so grateful she was able to sit down and share her amazing knowledge with our audience.

In this episode, Loren reveals why the marker for iron blood tests is inaccurate and so much more. We break down a ton of myths and discuss what most of us are getting wrong when it comes to iron.

We chat about:

Why iron supplements may be creating worse problems for you

The importance of including animal foods in your diet

How iron is utilized in the body and what can go wrong

How vitamin A plays a role in iron utilization

Pro-metabolic foods Loren recommends and why.

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month I choose someone who has shared and...

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#19: Why you won't achieve the body you want eating 1200 calories with Jay Feldman

Uncategorized Sep 23, 2020

I sat down and had a GREAT chat with Jay Feldman, an independent health researcher and health coach who runs The Energy Balance Podcast, the other day. He’s a huge supporter of this way of eating and doing life.

Jay has also had an interesting journey of discovering how to best fuel his body to achieve optimal results. It’s SO relatable for many of us who are on this journey or have been through similar. But we don’t stop the discussion there!

In this episode, we also discuss:

Why you won’t achieve results on a 1200-calorie diet

The binge-restrict cycle

Why you need to get out of the quick-fix mindset

How stress and anxiety impacts your body and weight loss goals

How drinking heaps of water may actually be increasing your body’s stress response

Why sugar contributes to a high functioning metabolism

Ultimately, living your best life starts with nutrition. You can also listen to this on The Winatlife podcast on Apple Podcasts,...

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#18: The only way to train for a toned & athletic body with Daymon Hayhow

Uncategorized Sep 14, 2020

Ladies… this podcast will flip your views around training for fat loss.

SPOILER: Cardio is not the answer!!

In this podcast episode, Craig and I talk with Damon Hayhow, President of Recomp, Australian Ambassador to the ISSN, and powerlifting and bodybuilding champion. We discuss getting strong and how you can achieve a toned and athletic body WITHOUT CARDIO. And it is jam-packed with nuggets that you can take away and apply to your training regime.

We chat about:

Why cardio isn’t going to help you look like you want to look

How eating more food and not doing cardio leads to fat loss

The most important exercises you should be doing

What good technique/form really is

Why a low carb diet might be throwing a wrench in your training

Why being consistent is critical to your success

The two variables (the weights you lift and the food you eat) you should be measuring and why

And so much more!

Damon has heaps of knowledge and experience....

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