#37: How emotions and trauma manifest as pain in the body with Jim Bostock

Uncategorized Feb 28, 2021

About 6 months after I first met Craig, he had a bad shoulder injury. He went to about 5 different people - even got a cortisone shot. Eventually, a friend referred us to Jim.

Jim is a nerve-lock specialist and both Craig and I just love him. After 3 visits with Jim, Craig’s shoulder was back to normal and he could return to training.

Since then, we’ve sent hundreds of people to Jim. He’s just so amazing and has such a special gift. If you have pain, get on his website and get to Brisbane and see him!! We’ve had people with 10 years of neck pain that Jim has helped in just a few visits. It’s just incredible.

So, I thought it was only fitting to sit down and have a chat with Jim about pain and how it manifests within the body. We talk about:

How stress, emotions and trauma can manifest as pain in the body

How pain is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong

Pain is a good indicator of how your subconscious body is doing

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#36: The number one reason you're not seeing results in the gym with Craig McDonald

Uncategorized Feb 24, 2021

Are you a woman who puts in so much effort in at the gym but your body just isn't changing?

Well, that used to be me. I trained 6-7 days per week and I really thought I knew what I was doing! But my body certainly didn't look like it does now. That all changed when I met Craig.

I get this question all the time from women "how should I train to achieve a toned and athletic body"

So I decided to sit down with Craig and talk about the training methodology he used to transform my body and 1000's of other women's bodies in the Winatlife Program.

Craig is known as ‘the sausage’ amongst the women in our program, a nickname he picked up after I called him sausage on a live one night I’m ‘the fog horn’ - the more vocal of us two. But Craig is the other half of our company and he really is the one that saved me from myself and hours of cardio I was doing.

One of the first dates we had was in the gym. I remember he asked me to show him a...

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#35: The uncomfortable journey of healing, gaining 30kgs and putting weight loss last with Leila Lutz

Uncategorized Feb 16, 2021

A few weeks ago I caught up with my friend Leila Luiz to record this podcast episode. I just love Leila, she is warm and open and we just clicked. The first time we went to record this we actually chatted for 1.5 hours and had to reschedule.

Like me, she loves a good chinwag

Leila is a Heath and Performance Coach of 18 years, riding the uncomfortable journey of healing and putting weight loss last. She talks about her struggles as someone who has always been fit and energetic to struggling to work, mother and live.

She talks about her struggle with Hashimoto's and the confronting journey of what it’s like to be overweight as a health and fitness professional and accepting that 30kgs of weight gain is part of the healing journey and healing her metabolism. She also talks about doing the inner work and how it's one of the key foundations to loving your body.

Leila has a story that I'm sure so many women can relate to.

I hope you enjoy this podcast as much as I...

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#34: How to live a pro-metabolic life with Danny Roddy

Uncategorized Feb 08, 2021

Craig and I have known Danny for years!

We are so grateful for his friendship and I wanted to get him on the podcast to talk about all things pro-metabolic nutrition and Ray Peat.

We chat about:

Developing a toolbox and gaining the right knowledge to IMPROVE your health


How to live a pro-metabolic life

Diet culture and how toxic it is

Why listening to your body can help get you to where you want to be

Why using temperature and pulse can give you key insights into your metabolic health

And so much more!

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month I choose someone who has shared and they get a tub of Saturée Premium Collagen valued at $79.

If you loved this episode please help us get the word out to more women and leave a written review and a 5-star rating. Leave a review and rating on iTunes HERE.

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#33: Collagen, gelatin and why they're essential with Emma Sgourakis

Uncategorized Jan 21, 2021

To celebrate the release of our new Best Bloom Gelatin Emma and I thought we'd get together and talk about why we think everyone should be including gelatin in their diet.

In this episode, we chat about everything gelatin, including:

The benefits of including more gelatin and hydrolyzed collagen in your diet

Why it’s not just another form of protein

Where gelatin comes from

Different foods that contain gelatin

Our favourite ways to get gelatin in

And so much more!

We just released Saturée gelatin, which comes with its own recipe book (there are so many yummy recipes like cheesecake, marshmallows, gummies, and more). If you’re interested in adding more gelatin into your diet, definitely give this a go!

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month I choose someone who has shared and they get a tub...

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#32: Finding your confidence in the bedroom with Melissa Collins

Uncategorized Jan 08, 2021

Mel reminds me a bit of Samantha from Sex & The City. She just owns her sexuality and is very confident and open about it.

We are actually really good friends and we talk about sex a lot. We always joke that she’s a bit like a guy in regards to sex She and Craig are much more open about it than I am (I’m getting better at this though!).

But I really do admire how confident Mel is in her own skin, and I think a lot of women can learn from her. Sex is such an important part of a healthy relationship and feeling connected with your partner.

Often when women join our programs they don't have a sex drive which has caused issues in their relationship. Once they improve their metabolism their sex drive comes back, but often they still feel disconnected from their partner and are not sure how to reignite that fire again.

So, if this is something that’s been concerning you and your relationship, I definitely recommend listening to this one! We talk about:

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#31: Body image, weight gain, sex & what men think with Ashley Armstrong

Uncategorized Dec 30, 2020

Craig and I had half of the Strong Sisters, Ash Armstrong, on the show the other day!

I love these girls. They're just so real and so genuine! If you don't know them go and check out their page they're starting a regenerative farm from scratch.

We chat about everything from body changes to what men think and sex.

This one is full of over-shares and realness

We talk about:

Their experience with amenorrhea

Periods and the female body

Societal pressures to be lean

What men actually think of women’s bodies

How Ashley dealt with her body changes and weight gain

Past relationships

And more!

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month I choose someone who has shared and they get a tub of Saturée Premium Collagen valued at $79.

If you loved this episode please help us get the word out to more women and leave a...

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#30: The truth about estrogen with Keith Littlewood

Uncategorized Dec 19, 2020

Keith Littlewood, also known as Tommo, has a Masters in Endocrinology, is an expert in all things to do with the endocrine system and hormones, and he’s also about to embark on his Ph.D.

I thought it’d be fun to sit down and pick Keith’s brain about estrogen and the misconceptions associated with it, and he didn’t disappoint. There is so much goodness in this next episode!

We chat about:

What causes estrogen dominance

How too much estrogen suppresses the metabolism

How stress contributes to estrogen dominance

Why carbs can help your body detoxify excess estrogen and why low carb diets can contribute to estrogen dominance

Why and how over-exercising plays a part, AND

Why your menstrual cycle is a good indicator of your health and whether or not a nutrition/training approach is working for you

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and...

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#29: Itsy & Bitsy: Two little boobs who dream of making it big with Henley Derenzie

Uncategorized Dec 10, 2020

Today I’m sitting down with our friend and author Hedley Derenzie.

Hedley is the writer and author of six books, including her latest, Itsy & Bitsy: Two Little Boobs Who Dream Of Making It Big - a children’s-stylebook for adults inspired by a breast augmentation and then explant six months later.

I've had Hedley on the podcast before to talk about self-worth. If you’re a woman who struggles with self-worth I highly recommend you give it a listen.

In this episode, we’re talking everything fake boobs. Hedly shares her struggles with body image and why she got her implants put in and then why only 6 months later she got them taken out.

I’m also getting my implants removed and if you’re listening to this it means I've had my op and they're out!

So If you’re a woman who’s considering getting breast implants or someone who has implants and has been thinking about getting them taken out then this is a must-listen.

I just love...

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#28: Botox and fake boobs: the good, the bad and the ugly with Kate Deering

Uncategorized Dec 02, 2020

I remember when I got lip fillers, it was back when we still had our gym. Jake asked me what I did to my lips It just looked so awful. I never did it again after that.

I then did Botox for 18 months. I felt the pressure of being on social media and so many of the women look so perfect, I wanted to look better.

After 18 months, I decided I wasn’t going to do it again. I realised it just wasn’t in line with my values or beliefs. Here I was encouraging other women to accept their bodies, eliminating nasties in the food I ate, beginning to create a no-nasties skincare line with my good friend @thenutritioncoach, and meanwhile, I was injecting my body with Botox. It didn’t make sense to me.

And it’s not that I don't think it’s okay for others to do it if it makes them feel good. It just didn’t feel right for me anymore.

This is also why I’m getting my implants taken out. For the first time in many years, I’m going fully natural....

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