#67: Pregnancy, postpartum, breastfeeding, and fat loss with Noelle Kovary

Uncategorized Oct 08, 2021

Noelle is a wonderful fellow pro-metabolic community member (I think she’s just gorgeous too on the inside and out!).

I get a lot of questions from women around how to nourish themselves postpartum and when should they be focusing on fat loss?

Noelle is super knowledgeable on all things fertility, pregnancy, & postpartum. She's also overcome a lot on her own health journey including PCOS and Hashimotos.

In this podcast episode, we talk about:

How many calories you should be eating postpartum

How sleep is important postpartum

Nourishing for breastfeeding

Tips for breastfeeding and postpartum

Foods to support your body postpartum

Getting realistic about postpartum bodies, health and when is it a good time to focus on fat loss

And more!

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month I choose someone who has shared and...

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#66: All the things gut health, SIBO and the connection to your metabolism with Kourtney Simmang

Uncategorized Sep 28, 2021

I get lots of questions about gut health and SIBO, so I thought it’d be fun to sit down with Kourtney (who is gorgeous inside and out!) to discuss it all.

Kourtney works in the pro-metabolic community as a functional nutritional practitioner.

She helps women with health struggles (PCOS, thyroid conditions, IBS, migraines, acne, ADD, infertility, and beyond) heal through nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle changes.

Like a lot of women, she suffered from many health issues including PCOS, hypothyroidism, chronic migraines, chronic fatigue, food allergies and anxiety.

At her lowest point, she was introduced to functional lab testing, nutrition, and targeted supplementation and hasn't looked back.

In this episode we talk about the connection between and unsupported metabolism and SIBO / Gut health, specifically we discuss:

What is SIBO

How chronic stress impacts the gut

What happens when someone can’t make enough stomach acid

Trauma and how it impacts...

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#65: How do I lose body fat & get that 'toned' look? with Craig McDonald

Uncategorized Sep 22, 2021

But Kitty I don't want to look muscular I just want to tone up.

I've had quite a lot of women message me in the last few weeks saying they don't want to lift weights and become to muscular they just want to lose weight and tone up so wouldn't it be better to do pilates, yoga, classes, bootcamps and run??

I went into a store at ferry road a few months ago and the lady said to me "oh you have such a wonderful figure what do you do? running and yoga?"

I get it I used to think the same thing. I spent so many years doing HIIT, bootcamps, running for miles, classes and circuit type workouts trying to lose weight and 'tone up'.

So I thought I'd sit down with @iamcraigmcdonald and discuss exactly what you need to do to lose body fat and 'tone up' in a healthy and sustainable way, what we cover:

What does toned actually mean?

The difference between weight loss, fat loss and body recomposition

How do you build muscle

The number one reason most women are not making progress in...

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#64: Getting back to basics and listening to your body with Amy Bowe

Uncategorized Sep 15, 2021

When I first found pro-metabolic eating I had become so out of tune with my body. I wasn't hungry in the morning, so I would skip breakfast. When I was hungry I was scared to eat because I thought I would gain weight. I trained regardless of how I was feeling because again, I thought if I didn't train and do cardio every day I would gain weight.

For 17 years of my life when it came to food I always thought that less was better and when it came to training I always thought that more was better and if you've followed me for a while you'll know that it set me up with irregular and painful cycles, poor sleep, digestive issues, my hair was falling out and was obsessed with how I looked, what I weighed plus I was a chronic binge eater.

Thank goodness I found @thenutritioncoach and Ray's work and @iamcraigmcdonald taught me how to strength train.

As I started implementing what I learnt from Emma and Craig I finally got in tune with my body. I learnt how to trust it and listen to...

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#63: From paleo, carnivore, fasting & plant based to pro-metabolic eating with Sam Dancer

Uncategorized Sep 09, 2021

A few months ago I finally connected to this awesome jacked beast Sam Dancer. Sam is a high level CrossFit athlete and just all round awesome guy. Whenever I think of CrossFit, I can’t help but think of paleo Coincidentally, Sam has actually done paleo, along with carnivore-based eating, plant-based eating, intermittent fasting, and more. Luckily though, he found the light!

So, I thought it’d be really interesting to sit down and chat about his experience with these crazy diets and how that impacted his training and life, as well as how pro-metabolic eating has changed his life.

In this episode, we talk about:

Changes in his energy levels and mood during his extreme dieting days and how it affected his training

What medications he was prescribed during this time for thyroid issues and more

How going pro-metabolic improved his training and performance

Tips on how to transition from paleo to pro-metabolic eating

What are the things you can measure to...

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#62: How should I train to support my metabolism and hormones and achieve my goals

Uncategorized Sep 02, 2021

In this episode I sit down with Jess Ash Wellness, Leila Lutz, Libby Wescombe, Amy Bowe, Meg Langston, Loren De La Cruz and Adina Rubin to discuss how women should be training to support their metabolism and hormones and reach their goals.

In this episode we cover:

What does a healthy women with a healthy metabolism look like?

Should I train fasted?

How can I tell if I am recovering from my training?

How should I train if I want to lose weight/body fat? Should I be prioritising strength training or cardio?

Why strength training is beneficial for women and how do you actually build muscle?

What are the different types of cardio and when are they appropriate?

Is being fit with a low resting pulse a sign of good health?

If I have low thyroid, PCOS, low temps and pulses, hormonal imbalances, poor sleep, I'm super stressed, I have Hashimoto's or any other autoimmune condition how should I be training?

What if I have exercise intolerance? How should I...

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#61: The real cause of insulin resistance and diabetes with Georgi Dinkov

Uncategorized Aug 28, 2021

Many of you who follow me will already know Georgi but for those who don't he is an IT professional by day and researcher by night focusing on biochemistry and physiology. He is also the founder of http://www.idealabsdc.com/ and has an amazing range of pro-metabolic supplements.

If you've followed me for a while you'll know I've cycled through nearly every diet out there. For 17 years of my life I tried to cut all sugar from my diet including fruit and juice. I get so many comments on my posts saying “sugar causes diabetes” and “sugar causes insulin resistance.”

So I thought I'd sit down with Georgi and address some of these misconceptions.

In this episode, we discuss:

What is insulin resistance

What actually causes insulin resistance and diabetes (hint it's not sugar)

The role chronic stress has in diabetes and insulin resistance

What happens when you go low calorie and/or low carb

What dietary changes can a diabetic or someone who suffers...

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#60: The voice in our head & how to harness it with Ethan Kross

Uncategorized Aug 21, 2021

How many times has the voice in your head led you down a rabbit hole of negative self talk?

"I’m not good enough"

“I’m not smart enough”

"I can't do this"

"I’ll fail"

“I’m fat"

“I hate my body”

I've definitely had times where I've doubted myself, times when the negative voices have crept in and taken over my thoughts.

These silent conversations are so powerful. They affect our mood, how we feel about ourselves, they can stop us from taking action and they can affect our health.

One of my favourite books on how to harness these inner voices is called Chatter, written by acclaimed psychologist Ethan Cross. I loved it so much I thought I'd get him on the show to talk more about these inner voices and share some of the tools you can use to harness them so you can be happier, healthier and more productive.

More specifically we discussed:

What is “Chatter”?

Managing “Chatter”

Rituals to...

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#59: Losing 30kgs & beating PCOS & Endometriosis symptoms with Rebecca Williams

Uncategorized Aug 16, 2021

Rebecca is part of our Break Free Basics program, and she has such an inspiring and amazing story. Not only has she lost 30kgs but she's also improved her PCOS and endometriosis symptoms. Her husband has also been on the journey with her and lost 25kgs...without eating 1200 calories, cutting sugar, carbs or doing a tonne of cardio.

I wanted to interview Rebecca because so many women think that when it comes to losing weight and getting healthy they need to drastically cut calories, sugar, dairy and carbs and do a tonne of cardio, especially if they have PCOS or endometriosis. In this episode Rebecca shares:

Her history with endometriosis, PCOS, and extreme dieting

The shame she felt and a lot of women might also feel around binge eating

How empowering strength training is and the role it played in her journey

The improvements she's seen in her menstrual cycle

What her and her husband eat day to day

How Rebecca and her husband prepare each week to make things easier and...

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#58: How to balance your blood sugar for a healthy metabolism and to regulate your hormones with Kate Deering

Uncategorized Aug 07, 2021

Balancing your blood sugar is a key foundation of a healthy metabolism and balanced hormones.

So we thought we’d get together and talk more about what it actually means to balance your blood sugar as well as:

What happens to your body when you go many hours or days without eating enough

Myths surrounding carbs, fats, and blood sugar

How blood sugar is regulated

Protein and blood sugar regulation

Eating for and after your workout

Snack ideas that we like for regulating your blood sugar

How we simplify meal planning in our busy lives

And more tips to balance your blood sugar levels!

This is a super practical podcast with lots of actionable tips.

Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month I choose someone who has shared and they get a tub of Saturée Premium Collagen valued at $79.

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